Writing Process

How I write

Getting to know you and your business is paramount to increasing conversion results.

Once you reach out to me, we will discuss the scope and nature of your project.

Together we will discuss your project objectives and how I can assist you in exceeding them. A detailed client intake questionnaire and creative brief will be filled out together.

As you learn my style it will be apparent to you why choose me over another copywriter.

If you have samples of what has worked and what has not worked in the past this is always helpful, but not completely necessary. This will further substantiate your product positioning in the marketplace.

Based upon the findings, a carefully crafted compelling solution will be put together followed up by a strong call to action.

You will share with me the main promise you offer your audience. What specific action do you want your audience to take upon reading your new copy? SEO keywords will be utilized throughout the copy. Key placement within your headline will increase your desired outcome.

As you test this new message, I will remain on board with you making sure the execution achieves your desired outcome. The market will dictate competition, demand, customer preferences, and unforeseen events out of my control. Therefore, I do not guarantee specific results. What I do guarantee, however, is that you will be completely happy with my writing and project effort.

What is the best way to contact me?

I’m always a phone call away. You can call me and expect a return response within 24 hours if the nature of the call is not urgent. Or, if you prefer to send me an email I will provide a dedicated one for your use.

How do I conduct research and discovery?

If you have an existing control in place, I will study it. Additionally, by performing a competitive analysis focusing on strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats many areas reveal themselves through a fresh lens. These areas of opportunity lend to stronger more relevant copy for you and your audience.

Like any good detective, I look for clues to discover challenges my copy can solve for you. Similar to a river any areas which are broken or not free-flowing into an ocean of possibilities can easily be adjusted. Oftentimes, it is necessary to change the call to action.

As with any good relationship, businesses stand on their own. When you hire me to navigate your copy, I will be looking to ensure your business copy can stand on its own. A unique selling proposition geared toward your business will facilitate this.


-You will share your organization specifics with me. For example, number of years in business, type of business, number of employees, etc.

-Purpose for this project.

-What your desired outcome is for your target audience.

-Together we will delve into business and sales goals for this project.

-A view of the competitive landscape is desirable, but again not necessary if you don’t have it.